Gina de Peralta Thorne, MS
External Board Member
External Board Member
Gina has over two decades of experience working in the field of prevention, intervention, addiction treatment and recovery. Her background in health communications and health promotions has evolved in both the public and private sectors working in local, regional and national organizations, hospitals, and institutions of higher learning in Florida, New York, Ohio, Virginia and Colorado.
She has worked in marketing and business development for residential treatment programs in Virginia, Florida and Colorado. Currently the Chief Marketing Officer for Harmony Foundation, Gina provides leadership and oversight to brand management, digital marketing communications, outreach support and alumni services.
She is an industry leader speaking about Ethics, Recovery Oriented Systems of Care, Marketing, Business Development and Leadership best practices. Co-founder of the Colorado Professional Liaison Association (CO-PLA), and currently a board member for Colorado Recovery and believes that change happens when others stretch across the divide and work together.